I love days when my kids are being sweet....Jordan was watching a movie in her room and she actually let Carson come in and sit and watch with her. They were being really sweet. I also had to take a picture of Carson wearing his monkey slippers. Laura bought him them for Christmas and he plays with them but this is the first time is has actually put them on and worn them. He looked so cute, I had to take a picture. That made Jordan want her picture taken so she ran into her room and got all dressed up and posed for some pictures. She is such a funny girl. We also went to the Family Fun center here in town today and now Jordan wants her party there. Both kids had a great time in the balls and Jordan loved climbing around in the tower thing. Carson just loved running around looking at all the games. Cory was playing pin ball. I wanted us to take a family picture in that little booth, but as a went to get change for the machine, Carson fell and hit his face and won't stop crying. But finally he got over it and went back to play. But then we tried again to take another picture but everyone was tired and Jordan was sweating like a pig. So maybe next time.
I went to the SB party at McBee's after all, glad I went, visited with all. Looks like you will be throwing a party at "TWO" places for Miss Jordan !! Glad Cars is finally wearing the slippers I got him, cute .
Too cute! Don't you love whe they get along? Wait until they are a little older and purposely irritate each other lol.
Oh and as far as family pics, isn't that always the way?????
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