We are FINALLY back to normal in our house. The kids have been sick for so long. Cory and I keep taking turns staying home with them. I finally took Carson into the doctor and he has an ear infection, so he is taking an antibiotic and is really starting to feel better. FINALLY....did I mention that I am tired of our kids being sick...... one day they were being very sweet and sitting in my bed watching a movie and I snuck in and took a picture. Love those kids...even if they are ALWAYS sick.
What else? I think that is all that is going on lately. We did get Carson the train table we had been talking about since before Christmas. He loves it (so does Jordan which cause several fights a day). Jordan has given up the sippy cup and for that we got her a truck and trailer for all her horses. She loves it..(and so does Carson....which again causes several fights and hair pulling..his new weapon of choice....a day. Very relaxing for mom..... Now our living room is totally taken over by toys. It looks like a day care gone bad. Very stressful sometimes, but I keep trying to remember that some day that they will be grown up and moved away and I will miss this mess. Right now we just walk around things and over things.
I went out of town with some girlfriends and spent the weekend scrap booking. It was so nice to get away. I came back and got my hair cut. I am not really sure I like it, but I am going to see how it works out. I also bought a Cricut scrapbook cutting machine, LOVE IT....I bought Jordan some glue and scissors so she can play and do crafts at the same time as me. She is having a great time. And I get to use my machine and she leaves me alone (most of the time anyway).
Since I got something it was only fair that Cory bought something. He has been needing new motorcycle riding gear, so one day when he was home with the sick kids, he ordered a new outfit and when it came in he was like a kid with a new outfit. He wore the outfit around and even let me take his picture. He looked very cute.