Yesterday I went to the doctor and found out my new medicine is working really good. Very happy with what the doctor had to say. I went to work for a couple of hours and then got my hair cut, ate lunch at the mall, bought some new clothes at my favorite store (Christopher and Banks) and then stopped in Victoria Secrets to see if they had new colors, they did and of course I bought some. Then got my hair cut. I then went home and cleaned the tar out of pig pen's room (Jordan) she won't throw anything away....she is sooooo like her father in that regard. I even went through my closet and donated some clothes to goodwill, went thru Carson and Jordan clothes and then took clothes to Goodwill. Then went to the grocery store and then came home and made dinner. I was such a good mom when the kids came home. It was a great day.... Here is some pictures of my organized areas. I hung hooks on the back of the door of Jordan's room because she loves to play with her dresses but then she just throws them in her room. I even cleaned out the toys in the living room. I have realized that my kids have ENTIRELY too many toys. Thankfully for Jordan's birthday this year she wants to make her room more grown up (pink paint, new curtains, new border paper with horses, new lamp) I am glad because I can't even imagine what new toys she needs. So that was my day yesterday and now we woke up had some oatmeal (which Jordan wanted me to take a picture of her eating it....not sure why.) and we are watching cartoons and I am on the computer. We are going to relax today. Hope you have a great day.
wow looks nice, jordan looks so THIN !!
Cleaning up? That would be when I move things from one end of the camper to the other-LOL. Don't you love it when you have a productive day? So glad your new medicine is working so well.
Oh I love Jordan's room!! I love the blue and green, think you did a fantastic job with that, so i am sure the new will look just as fabulous. Can't wait to see it. As for toys, it just gets worse lol. Every year I don't know how Katie can get anymore in her room....yet somehow we manage!!
Oh and I agree with Laura. Looks like Jordan has gone through a growth spurt because she looks thin. Not sure if it's the angle of the camera but her arms are so skinny!
Oh and glad the meds are working for you!! :)
Oh I saw a sign today that said "God, if you can't make me skinny, can you make all my friends fat?" lol Loved it!!
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