Well, it finally came....Jordan's first day of school. She LOVED it. She was very nervous the night before, but once she got there she was so in her element. I did really good and didn't cry! I went to pick her up when her day was done and she came busting out of the classroom so happy to see me and tell me about her day. That is when I started crying. She looked so happy and grown up and I just lost it. She asked me if I was really crying and I had to admit that I was crying like a baby....She totally loves school. She ate a hot meal at the school and loved it (cheese pizza chocolate milk). After I picked her up we ran some errands, and she pooped out on me!
I'm so glad she had a great first day!!
And yay to you for not crying when you dropped her off! When Barrett started preschool last year, I barely made it out the door of the classroom before I started crying my eyes out!
Ohhh "Our" baby is growing up....
Auntie laura
Thanks for bringing her by the office to tell me about her day, the girls got a kick out of seeing her.
OMG!! Your baby girl is turning into a big girl!!
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