Well, we went to see the people today that evaluated Carson to see if he is autistic. And they said he is......We think he is the most amazing guy in the entire world. We are so lucky to have him in our life and we are going to do whatever when can to help him learn. He is the sweetest guy and can't get enough hugs and kisses from us. He loves to snuggle and he is really copying us . Hopefully the teachers will teach us how to get him to communicate and then other things will fall into place. We think he is amazing and can't imagine him any other way. We will keep you posted....
I know it's hard not to be upset, BUT you are right, he IS an amazing child!! So he has a learning disablity, now that you are aware, you'll get help to get him over the humps!! Think positive!! yes, this coming from the world's biggest pessimist lol.
I have every confidence in you and the rest of the family to keep Carson in the mainstream. He is a wonderful boy and I love him so much.
Oh Robin, so sorry to hear that. I know that you guys will do the best you can and help him through this. There all all degrees of autism and many function very well in society. I'm sure Carson will develop very well with your help.
Hang in there.
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