We had a wonderful Christmas. Santa came through and brought Jordan her DS! She has been attached to that thing since she got it. She is so like her mommy!
Carson got a train from Santa and could not be happier. We are doing really good and are happy and well.
Jordan wanted her ears pierced for Christmas so I got her a gift certificate to Claire's in the mall and today I braved the crowds (they weren't really bad at all) and took her and she got her ears done and was such a trooper! She loves them! Every once in a while she will look at me and say "oh my gosh I forgot I just got my ears pierced" she is so sweet...love her to pieces! I took her to the library here in town last week and she got her very own library card and now I have a library buddy. She looks totally in her element in the library. It is really cute to see her love something that I love. And I haven't been in the library in so long and I forgot how much I love the library smell. She is reading so well. She reads everything she sees. I think she has picked up the Ward girls love of reading. She also loves to play games with me. We play dominoes, Jr Scrabble and now she got Life and Cinderella Yahtzee for Christmas so we have played that. We got Carson don't spill the beans and cooties but he isn't as interested in those right now. I love that Jordan likes to play games with me!
Well I just thought it was time to update my blog! We have been really busy working and going to school but we are happy and healthy and really looking forward to a new year!
About time you did an update!! Looks like the kids had an amazing Christmas and they are as adorable as ever!! tell jordan her earrings make her look even prettier and I didn't think that was possible!
YES! It IS about time you did an update! These pictures are so good! I can't believe how Carson is growing so fast! Glad to hear Santa came through with the DS! I heard he was spotted at Toys R Us! You better get your whip out for the boys! Jordan is so beautiful!
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