Well, the kids started at a new care on Thursday. Jordan LOVED it...I think Carson did too. Jordan didn't take a nap (too many other kids to play with) so when she got home she crashed. I, being the good mother that I am took a picture of her. She was OUT! I am glad they liked it. Carson is taking some interest in the potty, so I am running with it. I bought him some pull ups and some big boy undies. So cute. I love they way they make him look so grown up. I feel like I have spent the entire weekend saying "do you have to go pee pee?" He is a least understanding what to do and actually lifts up both seats and stands beside the potty. He is so cute. Love that boy. He is really starting to say more words. I am not sure if it is because he is working with the specialist ladies or if he is just ready, or if we are now knowing how to communicate with him. But whatever it is he is doing so good. He is trying hard to say things. He repeats stuff too, which is good.
Jordan starts school this year, so of course she needed her doctor visit (SHOTS!) so I picked her up early from daycare and we went and ate lunch (left Carson at daycare) and then went to the doctor. She weighed 51.6 pounds and was 45 inches tall. The doctor said she was perfect...Then it was time for the shots, she tried to be brave, but it took 3 of use to hold her down. She had to get 4 of the...she was really proud of those band aids and still wanted t go to swim class to show them off. So now she can go to school. We just bought her a princess backpack today. She is sooooo excited to go to school. She always tells me that when she wants to talk she will raise her hand and ask the teacher a question. I have no ideal where she learned that from, but she is ready. I am not sure if I am ready, but I guess I really have no choice. Well, that sums up what we have been up too. Sorry that it has been awhile, but I will try to be better...